5 Killers Of Software Development Productivity

2 min readJul 13, 2020

Several software businesses are suffering due to a decline in the productivity of their software development teams. Due to falling off in productivity each release costs more, takes longer time and the business value in each release is less.

While working at Systango (Amongst top software companies in London) we learned about many inefficacies that affected the productivity of software companies in UK. In this article, we have covered such 5 killers of software development productivity.

Let’s have a look:

  1. Picking the wrong technologies:

Picking the wrong technologies brings a premature end to many products, which in turn impact the software development efficiency. This is more of an issue for newly started and startup companies and it has a knock-on effect down the line when they find themselves trapped with the wrong tech.

Trends in technology change rapidly. It is important to work on the latest technologies which support both iOS and Android mobile operating systems.

2. Thinking Agile is the Right Solution for Everything

Choosing the right development technology is crucial for software companies in London, however, it is not a universal remedy. The two commonly used development methodologies are Agile and Waterfall. The waterfall is often labelled as outdated whereas Agile is considered superior and modern, however, they both have their strengths and weaknesses.

Neither of the technologies can fix all your productivity issues, so if picking Agile can solve your problem, then think again.

3. Lack of Product Strategy

Often businesses lack in creating a long-term strategy for the product. Instead, they work on short term customer needs to drive the development process. Short term strategy can help drive early revenue growth but result in a product that is hard to maintain and support. Hence, resulting in declining development productivity.

4.Weak Product Management

Solid project management, coupled with long term product strategy is a key to drive short and medium-term market needs. This also ensures that sufficient development time is invested in maintaining a modular and single code base. You need experienced people to look after the product and to make sure that the strategy is focused on long term revenue and not short term goals.

5.Getting your testing wrong

This is one of the issues in this list that has the biggest impact on the development productivity. Testing should be ultra-efficient, especially when releases are going out every week.

Though developers need to own both quality of the product as well as its testing. It is still crucial to have test engineers in your team to make sure you are delivering a quality product and your team is not working on the same errors again and again.

Looking for a software development agency that can develop multi-platform applications? If yes, then get in touch with Systango to discuss your requirements. Headquartered in London, Systango has an expert development team that builds solutions that make business more efficient, enhance customer experience, and generate more profit.




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